Gut Health and the Microbiome in 30 Seconds}

Gut Health and the Microbiome in 30 Seconds

Gut health and the microbiome can be complex topics to wrap your head around. Most people know probiotics are good for them, but may not understand what they do for the gut and overall health.

We challenged OMP Co-Founder, Charlotte, to explain gut health and the microbiome in 30 seconds or less.

Watch the video to see how she did! 

Wanna learn more about how to keep your gut happy? Check out our 9 Everyday Habits for Better Gut Health

Now that we’ve explained gut health and the microbiome, if you're ready to get started feeding your gut with probiotic fermented foods, you can build your box now and we'll ship real, fermented foods right to your door!

olive my pickle build a box of ferments